学术报告 4



Characterization of black raspberry functional food

products for cancer prevention human clinical trials. 表征用于癌症预防人类临床试验的黑 覆盆子功能性食品。



J Agric Food Chem. 2014 May 7;62(18):3997-4006. doi: 10.1021/jf404566p. Epub 2013 Dec 27.

J Agric Food Chem。2014 年 5 月 7 日; 62(18):3997-4006。doi:10.1021 / jf404566p。 电子杂志 2013 年 12 月 27 日。

Gu J1, Ahn-Jarvis JH, Riedl KM, Schwartz SJ, Clinton SK, Vodovotz Y.


Author information


Interdisciplinary  Ph.D.   Program  in  Nutrition,  ‡Department  of   Food  Science     and


Technology,  §Division  of  Medical  Oncology,  Department  of  Internal  Medicine, and


#Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Ohio State University , Columbus, Ohio 43210, United States.

谷 Ĵ 1AHN-贾维斯 JHRiedl 的 KM施瓦茨 SJ克林顿 SKVodovotzÿ





跨学科博士学位 美国俄亥俄州立大学俄亥俄州立大学俄亥俄州立大学癌症中心综合肿瘤中心,


美国俄亥俄州 43210,美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市,食品科学与技术部,医学肿瘤学部,内科。


Our team is designing and fully characterizing black raspberry (BRB) food products suitable for long-term cancer prevention studies. The processing, scale-up, and storage  effects  on  the  consistency,   quality,   bioactive  stability,  and      sensory

acceptability of two BRB delivery systems of various matrices are presented. BRB dosage, pH, water activity, and texture were consistent in the scale-up production. Confections retained >90% of anthocyanins and ellagitannin after processing. Nectars had >69% of anthocyanins and >66% of ellagitannin retention, which varied with BRB dosage due to the processing difference. Texture remained unchanged during storage. BRB products consumed in a prostate cancer clinical trial were well accepted in sensory tests. Thus, this study demonstrates that two different BRB foods can be formulated to meet quality standards with a consistent bioactive pattern and successfully scaled up for a large human clinical trial focusing on cancer risk and other health outcomes.

我们的团队正在设计和充分表征黑 覆盆子(BRB)食品适用于长期癌症预防研究。介绍了 两种各种基质 BRB 输送系统的一致性,质量,生物活性稳定性和感官可接受性的处理,放 大和储存效果。BRB 剂量,pH 值,水分活度和质地在放大生产中是一致的。加工后甜食保 留> 90%的花青素和鞣花丹宁。花蜜花色苷含量> 69%,鞣花丹素含量> 66%,由于加工 差异,花粉含量因 BRB 剂量而异。储存期间纹理保持不变。在前列腺癌临床试验中消耗的 BRB 产品在感官测试中被广泛接受。

doi:10.1021 / jf404566p








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