学术报告 8


Inhibition of estrogen-mediated mammary tumorigenesis by blueberry and black raspberry.




J Agric Food Chem。2012 年 6 月 6 日; 60(22):5547-55。doi:10.1021 / jf205325p。


Epub 2012 年 5 月 22 日。


Ravoori S1, Vadhanam MV, Aqil F, Gupta RC.
Author information

James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40202,

 nited States.




詹姆斯格雷厄姆布朗癌症中心,路易斯维尔大学,路易斯维尔,肯塔基州 40202,美国。



We previously demonstrated the protective effects of blueberry (BB) and black raspberry (BRB) supplemented at 2.5% dose in an ACI rat mammary tumor model. Here, we assessed a dose-related alteration in tumor indices with diet supplemented with 5% BB or BRB powder. The diet was well tolerated. Tumor


palpation from 12 weeks revealed first tumor appearance by 84 days in the control


group, that was delayed by 24 and 39 days with the BB and BRB diets, respectively (p = 0.04). Ellagic acid detected in the plasma of rats fed the BRB diet was in the range of 96.6-294.2 ng/mL. While the BB diet showed better efficacy in reducing mammary tissue proliferation and tumor burden, tumor latency was delayed efficiently by BRB. Furthermore, BB was effective in downregulating CYP1A1 expression, while BRB downregulated ERα expression effectively. Distinct anticarcinogenic effects of the two berries correspond to their distinct phytochemical signatures.


我们先前在 ACI 大鼠乳房肿瘤模型中证实了以 2.5%剂量补充的蓝莓(BB)和黑覆盆子(BRB) 的保护作用。在这里,我们评估了添加 5%BB 或 BRB 粉的饮食与肿瘤指数的剂量相关改变。饮 食耐受性良好。从 12 周的肿瘤触诊显示对照组中首次肿瘤出现 84 天,分别在 BB 和 BRB 饮食 后延迟 24 和 39 天(p = 0.04)。在喂食 BRB 饮食的大鼠的血浆中检测到的鞣花酸在

96.6-294.2ng / mL 的范围内。虽然 BB 饮食在减少乳腺组织增殖和肿瘤负荷方面表现出更好的 功效,但 BRB 有效延迟了肿瘤潜伏期。此外,BB 对下调 CYP1A1 表达有效,而 BRB 有效地下 调 ERα 表达。












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